MLA Interactive Practice TemplateThe template is a tool for teaching and learning MLA style, not a citation generator. To verify that your entry is correct, consult the MLA Handbook.
MLA Style CenterThe MLA Style Center is the only authorized website on MLA style. A companion to the MLA Handbook, the site provides students and educators with a host of free resources for teaching and learning the MLA’s approach to research, writing, and documentation. It offers a quick guide to citing any source according to the MLA format template, a practice template, a Q&A feature with hundreds of citation examples, a blog of writing tips, guidelines for formatting a paper and avoiding plagiarism, sample papers, lesson plans, worksheets, and other classroom resources submitted by users.
Purdue Online Writing Lab: Formato MLA y guía de estilo"Este recurso, actualizado para reflejar el Manual MLA (8 ª ed.), ofrece ejemplos para el formato general de los trabajos de investigación MLA, citas, notas finales / pies de página y la página de referencia."
Student Guide to AI Literacy"When you build skills and habits for using GenAI ethically and effectively you will establish yourself as a thoughtful creator and consumer of GenAI content as technologies change over time."
MLA Student Guide to AI LiteracyThis guide was written by participants of the Critical AI Literacy for Reading, Writing, and Languages Workshop, an initiative of the MLA-CCCC Task Force on Writing and AI.