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Scholar@UPRM (UPRM Institutional Repository): Theses and Dissertations

Help using and depositing in the institutional repository


Instructions for depositing thesis, dissertations and project reports to the Institutional Repository of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Theses, dissertations, and project reports submitted by students at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM) as part of their graduation requirements are deposited in UPRM's institutional repository, Scholar@UPRM, where they can be accessed digitally from anywhere in the world.  

Before depositing, students must hand in ALL final documentation to the Graduate Studies Office (Oficina de Estudios Graduados). Be sure to follow their instructions closely and comply with all their requirements.

Document requirements

  • The document you deposit must be final version of your thesis, dissertation, or project report. It must include all the changes and corrections mandated by your committee.

  • The version you will deposit must NOT have the signatures of the committee members. 

  • Only PDF or PDF/A documents can be submitted. 

  • The file’s size cannot exceed 5MB. 

Before starting your deposit

  • Standardize the document’s  name (revise the section “ Before you Deposit”  for the necessary initials.  

  • Change the document 's name into the following format: PROGRAMINITIALS_LastnameOtherlastnameInitial_Year

  • Example: INME_ValenciaRomeroA_2016

 Instructions for depositing

  • Go to the repository webpage:

  • Click on “Log In” (top right of the screen). 

  • Choose the "Log in with Shibboleth" option and enter your UPR credentials. 







After logging in, click on the plus sign in the left-hand column and choose "Item". You will then be prompted to choose a collection to submit to. Select "Theses & Dissertations".

After completing these initial steps, you will arrive at a form. You will use this form to upload your document and enter descriptive data for your thesis, dissertation, or project report (title, abstracts, committee member names, etc.). You must also choose among several license options for your work. Once you have done this, you can finalize your submission by clicking on the "Deposit" button.

Several of the fields in the form are shown in the screenshots below. You can find specific information on how to complete the various sections of the form by clicking on the tabs in this "Instructions" box. Additionally, the submission steps are clearly detailed here:

The deposit process should not take you more than 10 or 15 minutes.


Notice below that some fields in the form have an "Add more" option. Two examples are the "Committee Members" field, where you must enter the names of everyone in your committee, and the "Abstract" field, since you should provide abstracts in both English and Spanish.

Some of the fields have drop-down lists. Choose the option that applies to you.

Assigning good keywords to your thesis, dissertation, or project report can make it more findable once it is accessible in the repository. You can enter up to five keywords.

In the "Copyrights Holder" field, identify yourself as the owner of the copyright over your document. Use this format: (c) [Year] [Full name]. For example: (c) 2024 María J. Pérez García 

You can assign a Creative Commons license to your submitted work. For a quick explanation of the different Creative Commons licenses, you may view this resource:


Before finalizing your submission, you must grant a deposit license. This license is what gives UPRM permission to display your document in the institutional repository. To grant the license, click the corresponding check box. After that, press the "Deposit" button to complete your submission.

If you have any questions about this process, you can write to


Part I: Descriptive Fields

The following section requires you to complete various fields with information about your document. It would be much appreciated if you filled them out carefully, watching out for accents and possible orthographic errors.  As a general rule, capitalized letters will only be used at the beginning of a title or subtitle(if there is any), in geographical or proper names, acronyms, and symbols.  

In order for you to be sure that you have all the information you need, read the following detailed fields. 

Fields Content

Fill in the title of the thesis, dissertation or project in the same way it appears on the main page. Only use capital letters in the beginning of the title and subtitle( if any), in proper or geographical names, acronyms, and symbols. If the title has a formula, try to represent it in the most accurate way possible.

If there is a subtitle, separate it with two period (:)

Other Titles

If the title is found in a second language, place it in this field. Only use capital letters in the beginning of the title and subtitle (if any), in proper or geographical names, acronyms, and symbols. 

If there is an alternate title or a third title, press “Add” and enter the content.


Place the las names and name of the author in the same way it appears on the main page of the thesis.


Place last name(s) and name of mentor or president of the committee in the same way it appears on the main page. 

Committee Members

Place the last name (s) and names of all the memberws of the committee in the same order they appear on the main page. Do not include the president's name, for it belongs on the previous field. 

In order to add them, write the last name (s) and name of the first member and then select  "Add". Continue this process until you add all of the names. 

Graduate Representative

Place the last name (s) and name of the graduate representative in the same way it appears on the main page. 

You do not have to enter the academic program director's data. 

Date Submitted

Select the year, month, and day in which the thesis was submitted to graduate studies. 

Semester of graduation

Select the semester of graduation.

Year of graduation

Indicate the year of graduation.


Before copying/pasting the abstract, copy/paste the content in a textual document (example: Notepad) in order to clean the format. Review and make sure that you have not lost content or that there are not any character errors. From the text version, copy/paste the abstract into the field. 

If you have the abstract in another language, press  “Add”. Repeat the previous procedure and copy/paste the abstract into the field. 


Select the university you belong to and the department or academic program that the document was submitted for. 


Select the department you belong to and the academic program the document was deposited for.  

Degree Level

Select the grade obtained. 


Select the academic program for which the document was submitted for. 


Select the primary language in which the document is written in. 


Select the type of document submitted in order to obtain the grade. S

Acknowledgement (Sponsorship)

Indicate ONLY the support or an agency's financial aid, entity or company, that was needed in order to complete the investigation.  
Example: Investigation subsidized with funds from the National Science Foundation #2345642.

If there are not any, leave in blank. 


Add key words about the content of the document. You may include up to (5) key words in spanish or english. Only write the first letter in capital letter. In order to write multiple, write the term that will be used and then press  "Add".

Copyrights Holder

Indicate the copyright holder of the document, preceded by the copyright symbol (c). Utilize the following format: (c) Year Name LastName.

Presione NEXT

 Part II: Uploading the Document

In the following section you should upload the document in PDF format.

​Select the archive you wish to upload by pressing
 “Choose File”. Remember to change the name of the file according to the following format: IITIALSPROGRAM_LastNameLastNameIntial_Year  (BIOL_TorresTorresAY_2019)

File Description

Leave in blank

Embargo until specific date

If you wish to restrict the access to the document, you may do so with an embargo. Indicate the year, month and day in which the document can be consulted. If you do not desire an embargo, leave in blank.  

According to the circular letter from November 15 , 2019 of  Graduate Studies, the embargo period will NOT be more than two years. 

Embargo Reason

Indicate the reasons why the document will be in embargo. If you do not have an embargo, leave in blank. 

Presione NEXT

 Part III: License for use

In this section indicate the instructions of use for your content. You have four options to choose from: 

  • Public domain– Choose this option if the work is NO LONGER copyrighted or has authorship rights (Ex. Material that was published before 1923) (“No Known Copyright”)

  • CC0– Choose this alternative if, as an author, you yield all rights to the work.  This includes the right to copy, distribute, exhibit, and present the work,  or create other works derived from the original, for whatever purpose without having to ask for permission. (“No Rights Reserved” ).

  • Creative Commons– Select this alternative in order to grant a license for the use of the work. In this case, your work can be copied, distributed and transmitted by others as long as they follow the following instructions. (“ Some Rights Reserved” ). 

    • Allow commercial use – If it is allowed to be used commercially. Select  “Yes”, if the person DOES NOT need to ask for your permission. Select “No”, if the person has to ask you permission BEFORE they utilize it for commercial purposes. 

    • Allow modifications– The permission to copy, distribute, and transmit a modified version derived from your work. Select “Yes”, if the person can create a modified or derived version of your work. Select “ShareAlike” if they must share under the same license. Select “No” if they are NOT allowed to create derived or edited versions of the work. 

  • No Creative Commons– Select this option if you desire to keep all rights to your work (“All Rights Reserved”).

Presione NEXT

 Part IV: Complete the Deposit. 

Distribution License
The repository's most important rol is to be able to preserve and make accessible the scientific production of our University. In order for this to be posible, you must give us permission to reproduce and distribute your work by accepting this licence of distribution. Read the terms carefully and check the box next to the text  “I Grant the Licence”.

Review Submission
Review all of the fields you completed. If you must make changes, press  “Correct one of these” under the section. Once you make your changes, press  “Next” until you reach this section. 

Press “Complete submission”


This completes the deposit process. Your document will now enter a process of review and quality control. Once in the system, the cataloguers will add various points of access and, once approved,  it will be made available to the public. When it is already accessible, you will receive an email. 

Instrucciones 1

Instrucciones 2

Instrucciones 3

Instrucciones 4


In the section “Submissions” I do not have any options in order to deposit  in any collection.

  • Write and e-mail to with your full name, college, program, and department, the collection you are requesting permission for and why. 

I cannot enter the data in this moment. 

  • If you must interrupt the process, you can go to the end of the page and press “Save & Exit”. In the menu, pick the alternative that seems best for you. 
  • To continue filling out the fields, on the right column, go to  “Submissions”. In the section Unfinished submissions, press over the title that you want to work on and then press “Resume”.

My program or department does not exist

  • Write an email to with the full name of the program and department that it belongs to. 

Access to the documents of a collection 

  • Unless the authors solicited an embargo, the archives should be available. 

For doubts, questions, or comments about the deposit at the repository, you may communicate with or at  (787) 832-4040 Ext. 6229/2309

Deposit guide

To access the complete guide for making deposits to this collection, click on the image below.

Derecho de Autor y Reconocimiento

El Repositorio Institucional de la UPRM es parte de la “Iniciativa Transformadora para la Educación y la Investigación Graduada” (TIGER, por sus siglas en inglés, Transformational Initiative for Graduate Education and Research), del Programa de Título V, Parte B para la Promoción de Oportunidades Post-bachillerato para Hispanos del Departamento de Educación Federal (#P031M140035).