Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, Call Box 9000 Mayagüez, PR 00681 (787) 832-4040 ext. 3810, 2151, 2155
Instructions for depositing products from events carried out at UPRM at the Digital Institutional Repository of the University of Mayaguez.
Description: The collection titled “Conference Proceedings & Events” includes specifically presentations, lectures and posters of celebrated events that were planned or sponsored by the UPRM, where our faculty, investigators, and students participate.
Sadly, content created by people that DO NOT belong to our community cannot be deposited.
If you have presented at a conference or a quality event led by a professor or investigator from the UPRM, that was organized by a third party or by the Mayaguez University itself, the content will be stored within the collection “Faculty Works”.
Before you Start
Convert your document into a PDF or PDF/A. Make sure any included hyperlinks are functioning properly.
Standardize the name of the document according to the following format (Do not use accent marks)
Activiyintials_LastnameandInitial_Date_type of document
Example 1: ARPAS_OrtizG_20190425_presentation
Example 2: HSI_BellidoC_20180612_poster
Find the official and complete name of the event (You will need it).
The file’s size should not exceed 5Mb. You may use programs such as Adobe Acrobat, Apple Preview, Windows-PDF Compressor,Ilovepdf, and others.
Alternatives for depositing in this collection.
Coordinator of Event
In order to facilitate the coordination of the deposit of the products of all the participants, the coordinator of the event may communicate with the GRIC staff with anticipation.
Write an email to with the Subject “Application for Access to the Collection of Conferences and Events” (Solicitud Acceso a Colección Conferencias y Eventos) and include:
Name of conference or event.
Date and location of where the activity will take place.
Full name, specify if you are a professor or an undergraduate/graduate student and the email of all the participants.
We will create the accounts and give the participants access to the collection, so that they can submit their content.
Independent Participants
If it is not coordinated with anticipation, the participants may solicit for access to the collection by filling out the following form:
Instrucciones para depósito
Go to the repository’s page:
At the bar on top of the page, press “ Login” in order to access the repository with your institutional account.
Utilize the UPR’s credentials.
Descriptive Fields
The following section requires for you to complete various fields of information about your document. It would be appreciated if you carefully filled them out, watching out for accents and possible orthographic errors. As a general rule, only utilize capital letters in the beginning of the title and subtitle (if any), in proper or geographic names, acronyms, and symbols.
To be sure that you have all the information you need, read the following fields:
Field | Content |
Title |
Fill in your document's title. If there is a subtitle, please separate it with two period (:). Only use capital letters at the beginning of the title and subtitle (if any), in geographical or proper names, acronyms, and symbols. |
Other Titles |
If the title is in another language, add it in this section. |
Author |
Submit the last names and name of the main author. If there are co-authors, click on "Add" and add each of the co-authors. |
Description |
Place the summary of the presentation, poster or paper. |
Select the faculty in which the main author belongs to. |
Select the department in which the main author belongs to. |
Select the program in which the main author belongs to. |
Select the primary language in which the document is written in. S |
For papers or presentations, select "presentation"; for poster, select "posters". |
Copyrights Holder
Indicate the name(s) of the copyright holders of the document. Use the following format: (c) Year Name LastName.
Indique el año, mes y día en el que presentó el contenido. |
Presented at
Indicate the year, month and day in which the content was presented. |
Acknowledgments (Sponsorship)
Indicate the support or financial aid needed to complete the investigation. If there is not any, leave in blank.
Enter the key words or phrases. To add multiple ones, write the first one and then press “Add”. You may include up to five key words. |
Upload your document. Remember to change the name of the file BEFORE uploading. |
File Description
Leave in blank. |
Embargo until specific date |
If you wish to restrict the access to the document, you may do so through an embargo. Indicate the year, month and day in which the document can be consulted. If you do not want an embargo, leave in blank. |
Embargo reason
Indicate the reasons why the document is under embargo. If you do not have an embargo, leave in blank. |
License Type
In this section, indicate the instructions of use for your content. You have four options to choose from:
Distribution License |
The repositories most important role is to be able to preserve and give access to the scientific products of our university. For this to be possible, you must give us permission to reproduce and distribute your work by accepting this distribution license. Read the terms carefully and then check the box next to the text “I Grant the Licence”. |
Review |
Review all the fields you just completed. If you have to make some changes, press “Correct one of these” under the section. Once you finish your changes, press “Next” until you reach this section. |
This completes the depositing process. The document will now go under a revision and quality control process. Once in the system, the cataloguers will add various points of access and, once approved, will be made accessible to the public. When it is finally accessible, you will receive an e-mail.
In the section “Submissions” I do not have any options in order to deposit in any collection.
I cannot enter the data in this moment.
My program or department does not exist
Access to the documents of a collection
For doubts, questions, or comments about the deposit at the repository, you may communicate with or at (787) 832-4040 Ext. 6229/2309
Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.
El Repositorio Institucional de la UPRM es parte de la “Iniciativa Transformadora para la Educación y la Investigación Graduada” (TIGER, por sus siglas en inglés, Transformational Initiative for Graduate Education and Research), del Programa de Título V, Parte B para la Promoción de Oportunidades Post-bachillerato para Hispanos del Departamento de Educación Federal (#P031M140035).