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ORCID and Other Unique Researcher Identifiers: Other author identifiers

Open Access identifiers

ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier)

ISNI includes identifiers for literati, researchers, artists, actors, musicians, and other creators. However, in the United States, it is mainly utilized to identify organizations and book authors.  

Proprietary identifiers

Publons Researcher Profiles

  • Previously known as ResearcherID by Thomson Reuters
  • Owner: Clarivate Analitycs
  • Registration Process: 
    • After filling out the application, you will receive a registration invitation in your email with a link to finalize your registration request.  
    • During this process, the platform allows you to create an ORCID account or synchronize your ORCID profile with ResearcherID. For more information on how to synchronize both, click here.

Scopus Author Identifier

An identifier that is automatically assigned to all authors indexed in Scopus. 

  • Owner: Elsevier
  • To send your data and list of publications from Scopus to ORCID, click here.
  • To see examples of this identifier, visit their database.

Google Scholar Citations

Identifier that is only assigned to authors indexed by Google scholar. 

  • Owner: Google
  • To edit your profile, go to Google Scholar, click on "My Citations", and log into your Google account. 
    • After entering your profile information, Google will retrieve all articles authored by you. 
  • To see examples of this identifier, use the Google Scholar search engine. 

Repository identifiers

arXiv Author IDs

Used to identify arXiv collaborators. arXiv is a digital repository of scientific articles that was developed by Cornell University Library. If you want to become a member of the arXiv collaborator group, you must obtain an arXiv author identifier. 

  • Owner: arXiv
  • Registration process: Follow the instructions provided here.
  • To learn about the benefits of having an arXiv author identifier, click here.