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Digital Preservation: DP Assessment

This guide is an introduction to fundamental concepts of digital preservation.

The importance of assessment

Digital preservation is an ongoing process which can be very complex and resource-intensive. Additionally, the overall landscape of digital media is constantly evolving. This makes it very important to continually assess digital preservation strategies in order to evaluate their effectiveness and apply necessary changes.

This section provides links to some resources you can use to develop an assessment plan for digital preservation strategies implemented in your institution.    

NDSA Levels of Preservation

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) developed an assessment matrix called "Levels of Digital Preservation". This matrix is extremely useful for institutions who are designing a digital preservation program or assessing what they are already doing jn terms of preserving their digital assets. You can click on the image below to visit NDSA's "Levels of Digital Preservation" page and learn more.  

Levels of Digital Preservation, Version 2.0

Other resources for DP assessment