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Ebook Collections @ UPRM Library: Additional Open Access Resources

This guide offers help on finding both subscribed and open access ebooks at the UPR-Mayaguez library.

Open Access Publishing Resources

Possible Predatory Open Access Journals

Please be aware of the dates when these websites were updated. The information here may be useful for those authors who are looking to publish in certain journals.

From Scholarly Open Access: Critical Analysis of Scholarly Open-Access Publishing

Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access publishers

Potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access journals

Beall's List of Potential Predatory Journals and Publishers (original, Dec/31/2016)

Beall's List of Potential Predatory Journals and Publishers (updated, Dec/8/2021)

Open Access Models

This chart, used here under a CC-BY license by Open Access Australasia, offers a simple and intuitive way of understanding the various open access models available for journal articles.

What are the different types of open access?

Journal Article Versions

Author’s Original/Preprint

  • article before peer review or editing by the journal
  • article submitted to a preprint server

Accepted Manuscript (AAM)/Postprint

  • article accepted for publication
  • includes all changes made by journal or publisher during peer review process except editing and typesetting

Final Published Version/Version of Record

  • peer reviewed, edited, formatted, and typeset version of the article
  • includes tagging, indexing or improvements made by journal or publisher
  • includes post publication corrections made by journal or publisher