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ORCID y los identificadores únicos: Presentaciones

Enlace su nombre con su labor investigativa.

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) para Investigadores (17 de diciembre 2020)

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) para Investigadores de la UPR Webinario. Ofrecido por la Prof. Jaquelina Alvarez el 17 de diciembre de 2020.

Presencia virtual en la academia (16 de abril de 2019)

Presencia Virtual en Ambientes Académicos (12 de abril de 2019)

Developing Your Virtual Presence (April 2nd, 2018)

LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Facebook, Scopus, VIVO,, Mendeley, ORCID, ResearchID… YOU NAME IT! Many scholars are using these tools and platforms to create their profiles, disseminate research findings, increase the visibility of their work, and foster collaborations with colleagues. In this presentation you will learn more on the effective use of these platforms and on best practices to establish and manage your professional online presence.

Developing your Academic Brand (November 28, 2017)

Your academic brand is not only essential for building your career, but also for helping you make decisions about the daily actions you take as part of your academic life. In this workshop you will learn how to articulate your academic brand and then how to align all of your academic activities behind that brand so that YOU drive your career while feeling less stressed and more productive.